Want to follow Jesus but don't know where to begin? Tried following Jesus but got lost? Not sure about this whole God thing?

If you have these or any other questions we invite you to bring them to GPS.

GPS is the process by which adults who are curious about the Christian faith can explore in a pressure free, open environment.  

The ancient church called this catechesis. It is a process without an agenda. It is an open space for you to inhabit. Moving onto the next step, whether that be baptism or affirmation of a previous baptism, is solely the decision of the participant, and their decision, whatever it may be, is honored.

Those who are curious are invited to "Come and See" - This first step is all about inquiry, checking out the faith, and asking the question "Where am I in relation to God's story?"

GPS will begin again in Fall of 2022. Let Pastor Scott or the church office know if you are interested.

6.1.2 (Youth)

Six One Two is our ministry with young people in middle and high school at Holy Cross.

It may come as a shock to hear that the first disciples Jesus called were between the ages of 15 and 18. Add to that the story of Timothy, the apostle whom Paul told, "Do not be ashamed of your youth." Jesus recognized the power and passion of young people and invited them to join him and change the world.

Youth from 6th grade through 12th are invited to follow Jesus and change the world through 6.1.2, the youth ministry at Holy Cross.

Wednesday evenings at 6:12, youth are invited to share a meal, play games and at 7 meet up in the Abbey (our coffeehouse) for a time of "Story Listening" where we engage God's story.

Every summer we have opportunities for youth to deepen their faith through mission trips, camp, and wilderness experiences.

For more information, email Kim, the Youth Director for Holy Cross. 

Godly play

Holy Cross uses the Godly Play® method to start the faith journey for our young people. Geared to children from 3 years to 5th grade, the sessions run during our 10:00 a.m. worship service (children are dismissed after the Prayer of the Day, and they join worship again at the sharing of the Peace). Parents/guaridans are always welcome to come with their children for the first time (or anytime!). 

The result of a lifetime of research and practice by theologian, author and educator The Rev. Dr. Jerome Berryman, the Godly Play® method is a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into—and pursuing us in the midst of—Scripture and spiritual experience. Godly Play practice teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives.

For more information about children's ministry, email the church office.

adult education

For those who would like to dig deeper we have many educational opportunities:

GPS: Ancient Faith to Navigate a Modern World - Nine-month process to help those yearning for a deeper faith journey to navigate where God is in their lives and where God may be leading them.

Living the Lectionary - Tuesdays at 9:30 a.m. - The Abbey

Thursday Evening Bible Study

Women of the ELCA studies (see below) 

For more information on any of these, please email the church office. 


The Holy Cross Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is guided in its activities by the purpose statement of the national organization. At Holy Cross, we have four Bible study "circles" that meet monthly on a variety of days. Members tend to join the circle that either suits their schedule best or where they know others. Many women have forged enduring friendships through circle activities. During circle meetings, women share a bible study along with fellowship and refreshments. Each circle has a designated leader who reports to the group on the goals and activities being undertaken by all the Holy Cross Women.

The Holy Cross WELCA is governed by a board of officers who are elected for two-year terms. The board meets monthly. We strive to fulfill our mission as defined in the above statement and emphasis on raising up healthy women and girls.

The annual spiritual retreats are open to all women at Holy Cross and may be for a day or overnight. Circles have a choice of bible studies available including the excellent studies in the magazine, Lutheran Woman Today.

The various circles organize social service projects that may serve the Holy Cross community, people in our local community, in the United States or throughout the world. The most effective project is the Wish Tree at Christmas benefiting families at the Samaritas Family Center, We also make monetary donations to local and national groups as part of our outreach efforts.

The two general meeting programs include the annual "Advent by Candlelight" and a spring dinner/program, with election of officers. In addition, other educational programs of interest may be presented.

As Women of the ELCA, we all strive to bring new members to circles and other activities as well. All of our activities are open to all the women of the church and their friends. We invite you to join us. For more information, please email the church office.