
At the heart of life at Holy Cross is worship.


Worship is fundamentally about what God is doing and our response to God’s action. Through God’s word, the waters of baptism, a meal of bread and wine, and prayer, we are nurtured in faith, inspired and equipped to be God’s people doing God’s work.


Music is an integral part of worship at Holy Cross.  Seasonal liturgies rooted in the Lutheran worship pattern of “Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending” for young and old alike, as well as hymns and songs from traditions around the world are led by soloists, ensembles, choir, piano, pipe organ, and many other instruments. 

worship schedule

Holy Cross worships on Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. The 10 a.m. worship is live streamed, click here to watch. 

Sunday Worship Services

8 a.m. worship is a more intimate worship experience accompanied by organ and piano. 


10 a.m. worship is a more festive worship experience featuring a choir. Godly Play is offered during this worship for children age 3 through grade 6.

There is a time of Fellowship, with snacks and coffee, after both worships.

Live stream

Worship is Live Streamed on YouTube

  • The church YouTube channel is here. Worship Live Streams can be found by clicking on the Live tab, which is here.
  • The church YouTube channel is where you can find The Message, short videos with a devotion or announcements about coming events. . 
  • Midweek worships, funerals, and other special events will be Live Streamed whenever possible.


Chancel Choir

  • A choral ensemble opportunity for young adults and older.
  • Rehearses on Wednesday Evenings, 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the Music Center.
  • Leads God’s people in praise, prayer and thanksgiving in worship on Sunday Mornings and Feast Days.
  • Sings a wide variety of music ranging from chant and early music to American music and gospel.

Seasonal Singers

  • A choral opportunity for those singers who cannot make a year-long commitment to the choir, but who can join with the choir for Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter/

Chancel Bells

  • A handbell ensemble opportunity for young adults and older.
  • Rehearses on Wednesday Evenings, 6:00-7:15 p.m. in the Music Center.
  • Leads God’s people in praise, prayer and thanksgiving in worship throughout the year.
  • Rings a wide variety of music including hymn tune arrangements and original music with five octaves of handbells and four octaves of handchimes.


Holy Cross hosts several fine arts concerts and events each year. Visit our Facebook page and click "Like" to be notified as events are planned.